Supervisors move forward with funding for additional recuperative care center

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Article by Paul Sisson  |  Read full article in the San Diego Union-Tribune

Adding an additional 100 recuperative care beds and helping San Diego County workers with increasing health care costs were strong enough ideas to get the immediate support of county supervisors Tuesday.

Other ideas, such as a $24 million investment in training programs for current and future behavioral health workers and fee waivers for accessory dwelling units will have to return for more consideration in February.

The board unanimously supported the approach for using more than $60 million in remaining “evergreen” funds allocated to the county by the federal American Rescue Plan Act.

Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer brought forward the idea of moving quickly on recuperative care as an “evergreen” project because a relatively small investment in using the remaining federal funds could create a facility that would qualify to bill Medi-Cal, the state’s last-resort health insurance plan, for services rendered.

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