Lawson-Remer to Urge Supervisors to Back Prop. 1 Overhauling Mental Health System

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Article by Elizabeth Ireland  |  Read full article in Times of San Diego

San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer announced Monday she will bring a resolution to the Board of Supervisors Tuesday to support Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $6 billion bond measure to modernize the Mental Health Services Act.

She was joined by San Diego City Councilman Raul Campillo, Crystal Irving, president of SEIU Local 221 and medical professionals.

“Proposition 1 will ensure local best practices and state funding are aligned, which will allow us to help more people get more people treated and on a path to a better quality of life,” Lawson-Remer said. “The way we treated mental health and addiction when the Mental Health Services Act was passed is not the same as it is today. The old way of funding behavioral health is no longer the right way. It’s time for a change.”

The March ballot initiative Proposition 1 is intended to “refocus billions of dollars in existing funds to prioritize individuals that have the greatest mental health needs, are living in encampments, or suffering from substance abuse issues,” according to a statement from Lawson-Remer’s office.

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