Newsletter: Don't Spend it All in One Place

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This week we pushed the County to move with greater urgency on two major issues that matter to us: making homes more affordable and tackling the mental health and homelessness crises on our streets. 

I voted on Tuesday to advance the implementation of the California State Senate Bill 43 conservatorship law, build affordable housing, and increase local capacity for behavioral health workers. 

Here’s the breakdown:

  • $15 million for the implementation of the SB 43 program, to get people treatment 
  • $10 million for expanding San Diego’s behavioral health (i.e. mental health and substance abuse recovery) workforce
  • $10.6 million in the Innovative Housing Trust Fund
  • Upon availability of funding, up to $10 million to support natural disaster relief

Flashback: Where’s this money coming from? Federal funds we fought to bring to San Diego. 

Mom always says “Don’t spend it all in one place,” and I definitely wanted to make sure to put that good advice to use with these tax dollars. A while back the Board of Supervisors decided not to use all the pandemic relief funds we secured from Washington, D.C. at once, and instead put aside some of the money to help us strategically address our region’s long term needs – like homelessness, mental health, and housing. 

Fast Forward: In January, I introduced a policy to address these areas. My proposals involving more recuperative care beds and supporting County workers was immediately approved. My plan to increase behavioral health workers in the region got tabled until this week’s vote to approve. You can read more here

Nice to See Ya!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Meet & Greet in Coronado and called into our Telephone Town Hall this week!

On Tuesday, we had a conversation with nearly 70 residents at the Black Box Theater in Coronado. We discussed how the County is fighting for more resources to address the U.S.-Mexico sewage crisis, as well as the $200 million for stormwater infrastructure investments we’ve made. 

Folks also wanted to know what we’re doing to help people struggling with their mental health, and I was happy to be able to share the positive impacts our Mobile Crisis Response Teams are having throughout the district.

Thanks again to the Coronado Chamber of Commerce and the Emerald Keepers for helping to host this event!

In service,
