Supervisors Vote to Expand Small Business Opportunities

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Expanding opportunities for local businesses to participate in County government contracts was the goal of a vote taken today by the County Board of Supervisors. 

“Whenever possible and practical, we want San Diego County businesses doing San Diego County work, especially small businesses and veteran-owned businesses,” said Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, vice chair of the Board of Supervisors.

Today Supervisor Lawson-Remer voted with her Board colleagues to direct staff to investigate opportunities to expand the County’s reach to local businesses. Actions could include outreach, education, and a review of current programs that enhance the ability of local businesses to participate in County procurements.

In Fiscal Year 2022-23, the County had a total procurement spend of over $1.9 billion. County staff will report back to the Board within 180 days.

The vote is one of many Supervisor Lawson-Remer has cast to uplift the region’s small and local businesses. 

When Supervisor Lawson-Remer joined the Board of Supervisors in 2021, the region was in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many businesses were struggling. She immediately got to work on new ways to drive economic prosperity and inclusive growth. 

Supervisor Lawson-Remer co-authored a bipartisan proposal to ensure $30 million in federal relief dollars would be dedicated to supporting small businesses throughout the county that were disproportionately affected by the shutdowns during the pandemic. It helped more than 4,000 businesses keep their doors open, lights on, rents paid, and workers employed. 

She also wrote and passed a policy during the pandemic to support mom-and-pop landlords who were struggling financially because their tenants weren't working and unable to pay rent. The Supervisor's policy allowed them to pay their bills and keep the tenants housed.

By seeking additional opportunities to conduct business with small, veteran- and disabled veteran-owned businesses, the County intends to further support underserved members of the community who have historically faced barriers to entry and fewer opportunities to succeed.

Read the entire policy here.