Since joining the Board of Supervisors in 2021, Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer ushered in a new majority and has been an important leader for protecting and advancing our shared values throughout San Diego County. Supervisor Lawson-Remer and her colleagues have moved quickly to put greater emphasis on programs and policies, such as equitable access to food, housing, healthcare, and emergency services. They've also fought for better benefits and labor standards for the County of San Diego's workers. 

Supervisor Lawson-Remer has built a more healthy, sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and just San Diego. She is aiming to give genuine ownership and leadership to community members and partners, and uplift vibrant coalitions. 

Policies passed to defend our shared values include: 

  • Declaring the County of San Diego a champion of reproductive freedom,
  • Supporting the addition of the right to choose to the California State Constitution,
  • Strengthening access to reproductive healthcare and abortion,
  • Declaring racism a public health crisis,
  • Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women,
  • Uplifting the LGBTQ+ community countywide,
  • Creating more opportunities for neurodivergent workers,
  • Denouncing Xenophobia and anti-Asian racism, and
  • Denouncing Anti Semitic rhetoric and hate crimes toward Jewish people.

Progress has been made, but Supervisor Lawson-Remer is committed to continuing to strengthen the policies that defend our shared values and provide a better future for all San Diegans.

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